Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

      I think new year resolutions are just something people say they are going to do, but never go through with it after the first month. New year resolutions are usually things that are hard to do for a paticular person like losing weight, not fighting with siblings, and not getting drunk. Those were some of the most popular new year resolutions most people attempt to accomplish. Sure people try to do their resolution but most people fail in less than a month. The only bad part of new year resolutions are that they are hard and most people don't do it. But for some people, resolutions are good challenges that encourage them to do great things in life. My advice is to try to do new year resolutions, but do ones that you know you can actually accomplish so it will have a positive affect on your self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand what you are trying to say . I find it to be something that could catch on , you know something people can actually pull off . I think that's a great idea but I myself don't believe in them so to me it wouldn't matter as long as these people don't hurt themselves !
