Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Scapegoating the Television

Photo by: LGEPR

The classic television set you watch is blamed for the programs they show. People blamed the televisions for lack of good information as in Math,Science,History, and English. They think the television is full of stupid shows and do not make any sense. But that is not the true case.

Blame Evidence

1. The TV contains shows with almost  no educational value so resulting in dropping grades. As in there is no learning devices in a show as in Pretty Little Liars.

2. Violence are in television which could cause danger in themselves and others as in nightmares. 

3. Children will try to repeat any heinous actions on televisions

Supporting Evidence

1. TV shows interesting facts as in "The summer solstice the longest day of the year" (Phineas and Ferb)

2. Helps children think out side of the box. Giving them different ideas.

3. Should that show physical dangers are at most of the time show bad results.


1.Parents don't usually watch what children do and decide to block it or limit a child's TV time.

2.The TV companies don't think about the affects of their programs on a child's mind.

3.The children themselves don't think of what results would happen if they do a stunt from TV.

The Culprits

I say the culprit is the TV companies not being aware of what there shows are causing.

The Final Truth

TV shows are not dropping grades, causing, damage, or nightmares it is the child them self from doing stunts you have something called common sense. Nightmares are natural in a child's life no matter what even when you read a book if you leave it to a child's mind there could be the worst. TV sort of prevent that so you are able to see the other ways an event can go. Grades dropping is not always true television can have some useful information even weird. Then there is the violence or so called "wrong answers" yes there are those situations but they can show how to avoid those problems. To file all down TV can help ideas grow do you want dull near soulless androids.

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