Angry Nerds
*WARNING*Nerds raging on internet
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Well I'm back!!
I've been busy with many things such as: building a solar boat, adding to my YouTube channel, and also doing great in school but always in the back of my head remembered this blog and what is life without one? I enjoyed doing this so why not stop by and just talk.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Sorry for the lack of blogging
It has been so long but I have been moving around. A quick note is that I will blog more soon.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
How to Survive My Friends
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photo by nataliej |
have to be something else to be able to handle my friends. We are all very
different but at the same time so similar it’s completely uncanny. The five
steps to surviving my friends are: Be as weird as possible, Say I love you a
lot, participate in “Hair Time”, Do Not I repeat Not touch their possessions, and
sit at your correct spot at the specific table.
Step 1: Be as weird as
If you aren’t weird you
wouldn’t be able to tolerate my friends. You have to some type of weirdness
whether it’s the way you act or even the faces you make you need to be weird.
How else do you think we would get along like normal people, but what it normal
any way some make believe thing for by society to change the ay people are. We
don’t change our weirdness we are just plain weird, I honestly wouldn’t have it
any other way. Like this one time we were in science class and I walk over and
the next thing I know I’m in the middle of a random foot date… please don’t ask
but I mean who else but my friends would do that.
Step 2: Say I love you a lot
I love you is like a form of hello to us we litterally say it that often. If you don't say I love you in our group you are at risk of being shunned. Seriously we say it in unnecessary amounts it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know what i would do if I love you wasn't also like a safety word to us, we always say that when a joke goes too far. I love you has save some of my greatest friendships.
Step 3: "Hair Time" Participation
Once my friend Becky was sad so my other friend Jenifer walked up to her and she was all Hair Time while petting Becky's head.This has become a popular thing in our group. And you know what its pretty awesome. If you don't participate you will suffer from no hair time-itus its a serious issue that effects everybody but us. But you can fix this by participating in "Hair Time".
Step 4: Sit at Your Correct Table Seat
If in fact you don't sit at your correct spot you will get pushed off of that spot and possibly fracture your tailbone. I have my spot becky has hers and so does jennifer with the ocasional turnip and if you dont eat your food turnip will eat it. So make sure you sit in your correct assigned seat.
Step 5: Do Not Touch Any of Their Possessions
If you were thinking of taking Becky's ball you were sadly mistaken my friend , because nobody is aloud to touch her basketball. Your not aloud to touch Becky's ball Jennifer's keys or with out permission and my phone or any of our inhalers. We are very protective over these specific items because they mean our lives. If any one does happen to touch them they bet that they may leave with a bruise and its mainly because some of these items saved our lives. If i dint have my phone i would never be able to call for emergencies, If Jennifer didn't have her keys she wouldn't be able to get in her house sometimes, and if Becky didn't have her basketball she would have a heart attack. And if we didn't have our inhalers we would die of no air in our lungs so you can imagine how much that specific item means to us. I would keep in mind the fact that we are most likely all stronger than you so just remember that when you try and touch any of our things.
Step 2: Say I love you a lot
I love you is like a form of hello to us we litterally say it that often. If you don't say I love you in our group you are at risk of being shunned. Seriously we say it in unnecessary amounts it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know what i would do if I love you wasn't also like a safety word to us, we always say that when a joke goes too far. I love you has save some of my greatest friendships.
Step 3: "Hair Time" Participation
Once my friend Becky was sad so my other friend Jenifer walked up to her and she was all Hair Time while petting Becky's head.This has become a popular thing in our group. And you know what its pretty awesome. If you don't participate you will suffer from no hair time-itus its a serious issue that effects everybody but us. But you can fix this by participating in "Hair Time".
Step 4: Sit at Your Correct Table Seat
If in fact you don't sit at your correct spot you will get pushed off of that spot and possibly fracture your tailbone. I have my spot becky has hers and so does jennifer with the ocasional turnip and if you dont eat your food turnip will eat it. So make sure you sit in your correct assigned seat.
Step 5: Do Not Touch Any of Their Possessions
If you were thinking of taking Becky's ball you were sadly mistaken my friend , because nobody is aloud to touch her basketball. Your not aloud to touch Becky's ball Jennifer's keys or with out permission and my phone or any of our inhalers. We are very protective over these specific items because they mean our lives. If any one does happen to touch them they bet that they may leave with a bruise and its mainly because some of these items saved our lives. If i dint have my phone i would never be able to call for emergencies, If Jennifer didn't have her keys she wouldn't be able to get in her house sometimes, and if Becky didn't have her basketball she would have a heart attack. And if we didn't have our inhalers we would die of no air in our lungs so you can imagine how much that specific item means to us. I would keep in mind the fact that we are most likely all stronger than you so just remember that when you try and touch any of our things.
Friday, June 1, 2012
How to Survive A Brother Close to Your Age
Knock Knock Knock, you here on the bathroom door. "Hurry up" says a nagging voice. Knock Knock. "Why can't you brush your teeth later?" This is your morning routine when you have a brother close to your age. Having a brother close to your age will probably mean you guys want and need the same things at the same time. Luckily I know how to survive though all this.
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Photo by Jason Pratt |
First off you need to have power over him.
Second he needs discipline. When my brother messes with me I just squirt him with a spay bottle. Hey it works so don't judge me.
Third you have to control him.
Fourth don't be to ruff unless it is necessary.
Fifth he just needs straight up love. Love is always the best way to go if all else fails.
Second he needs discipline. When my brother messes with me I just squirt him with a spay bottle. Hey it works so don't judge me.
Third you have to control him.
Fourth don't be to ruff unless it is necessary.
Fifth he just needs straight up love. Love is always the best way to go if all else fails.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How to Survive a Game of Monopoly
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Photo by: Proven Networking Secrets |
The Rules
Monopoly has a variety of rules such as the unusual speed die which makes the game go faster. Know the rules to avoid getting bankrupt. Also know them to avoid family disasters.
Know your Territory
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Photo By:: Cea |
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Aim here
Aim here
From Baltic to Boardwalk you have to know what to buy from start.Not just important properties but also buy some sacrifices. Me, I like railroads and browns cause they are cheap and easy to upgrade. Railroads collect them all get 200$ every time. Know good spaces to maneuver around the areas.
Make your Move
Start the dice roll and make sure to plan ahead. As in know how to spend wisely do not spend like a mad man or you will get easily bankrupted. Make sure you focus on the good properties and don't make mistakes.
Make Good Deals
Deals are an important way to get what you want without over spending. When make a deal make sure you don't make a deal which will cause suicide. A few however as in giving someone the last of the railroad or giving up park place and boardwalk. Just make sure to try not to get stuck in a hole.
Go To Jail
Jail is known to be a bad thing but in monopoly when things start to get risky stay in the slammer. Just don't do this in real life.
Now that your educated go play some monopoly and try not to get hurt.
How to Survive a Road Trip
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Photo by: Jezlyn26 |
I've only been on a road trip once and from my experience, I can tell you for sure that I never want to go on another one again. I was squished the whole time we stopped about 15 times to go pee and we should have been able to complete the trip in maybe 4 hours but it took us 7 hours because of car malfunctions. But don't back out of a road trip just yet, because if you make sure all of these tips are completed you might actually have lots of fun!
Use the bathroom before you leave
I cannot stress this enough!! It is not only for you, it is also for the people you are going with. You absolutely, 100% need to check that EVERYONE has gone to the restroom before you get on the road. I promise if you don't you will have to make countless bathroom trips along the way, and most of the restrooms along the way probably won't be very clean, which is super gross(especially on the way to Vegas).
Bring Entertainment
Unless you have super entertaining people going with you, bring something to keep yourself occupied. You will be so happy when you bring something with you to keep yourself entertained, road trips can get really boring and the more bored you are the longer the trip seems
Check out Interesting Sights Along the Way
A couple of days before your road trip try and find some interesting sights along the way to stop at so your not in the car the whole time. On the other hand, if you're just trying to get there and not stop along the way, try and find some cool things that are around the place you're staying too. After all, you don't want to lie around the hotel all day doing nothing.
Make Sure You Won't be Squished in the Car the Whole Way There
To avoid being squished between two people and just all around being uncomfortable, try to have "Switching Parties". "Switching Parties" are another word for relief. When you stop to use the restroom or just to get out of the car, everyone needs to switch seats in the car, this way everyone is happy, and most importantly not squished.
Have Fun
Yes, honestly road trips are definitely not something particularly fun, but you have to make it fun. Start funny conversations that everyone can relate to, be friendly and talkative(but not too talkative), nobody likes someone who is grumpy the whole time!
Road trips can be a horrible or a good memory to look back on, but it's up to you how it turns out. Just because you have one bad road trip doesn't mean you have to be miserable the whole time, because if you're miserable then everybody else will be miserable too and the whole trip will be ruined! So have fun on your road trips!
How to Survive Hide and Seek Outdoors With Others
You are pretending to be a ninja, they have selected someone to try and capture you. You know you must not get caught no matter what, and you will take desperate measures.
Hiding Spot
If you are to survive in this game, your hiding spot will be one of your most important tools. A hiding spot must be somewhere where no one expects it, this will make it tougher for the seeker to find you. Always try hiding somewhere where you can see the seeker but he can not see you, this will let you know where he/she is so you will know where to run if they have found you. It is also important to try and stay as quiet as possible because you never know where they might be. This leads to the next step, running away, if you are found.
Escaping/Losing the Seeker
If you somehow manage to be caught then you either did not think your plan out well enough or you underestimated the seeker. If you are running away you should never look back because you never know how close the seeker might be behind you waiting for a moment to strike. Another good thing to do is to look ahead and see if you can make some sort of quick turn or another unexpected turn to slow down the chaser. If this is not possible then your only other option is to try and outrun the chaser and hope he gives up on you. If he/she does give up on you then the next step will prepare you on what to do.
Sneaking Around
So what now? you have no hiding spot because you were found and you are tired because you were being chased. The best thing you can do is sneak around carefully and quietly like a ninja on stealth mode and hope not to be found again. Be sure you do NOT run because your footsteps will be heard which can put you in danger. Also keep in mind to be listening carefully to your surroundings.My advice after a while of sneaking around would be to find another hiding spot like the same as before (somewhere no one expects and a place where you can see everything). Remember you are sneaking around so be prepared to run at any moment just in case.
Your Advantages
Depending on the kind of person you are and your outside skills you will have different advantages in the game. Advantages can take place in every of the past three paragraphs. You might be a real ninja which makes you good at hiding, a member of the track team for being good at running, or a laser tag expert which makes your skills at being sneaky better than the others playing. You might also be short and be able to fit in small places or be tall and be able to jump over things easily. One skill you can teach yourself is "parkour" which will make you unreachable and very good at escaping.
Common SenseAlways have in mind that there might be others around the neighborhoodso try not to bother them by going into their bushes. If you do not respect other's property you just might have an old man telling you to get off his lawn. Also remember to be careful and not try anything dangerous because then you will just end up crying for mommy to kiss your boo boo. Lastly I want to advice the public also not to set your phones on vibrate or silence so the seeker will not hear it and come after you.
These are the all the things you need to know on becoming a good hide and seek player. Also remember to be a good ninja and do whatever it takes to not get caught, no matter what.
Photo By: Tyrone Islington Photography
This IS Hide and Seek
The five steps listed below will teach you, and hopefully prepare you on what to do if you ever fall into this situation. Be aware that I am an experienced played with much knowledge so the following information should help those in need.Hiding Spot
If you are to survive in this game, your hiding spot will be one of your most important tools. A hiding spot must be somewhere where no one expects it, this will make it tougher for the seeker to find you. Always try hiding somewhere where you can see the seeker but he can not see you, this will let you know where he/she is so you will know where to run if they have found you. It is also important to try and stay as quiet as possible because you never know where they might be. This leads to the next step, running away, if you are found.
Escaping/Losing the Seeker
If you somehow manage to be caught then you either did not think your plan out well enough or you underestimated the seeker. If you are running away you should never look back because you never know how close the seeker might be behind you waiting for a moment to strike. Another good thing to do is to look ahead and see if you can make some sort of quick turn or another unexpected turn to slow down the chaser. If this is not possible then your only other option is to try and outrun the chaser and hope he gives up on you. If he/she does give up on you then the next step will prepare you on what to do.
Sneaking Around
So what now? you have no hiding spot because you were found and you are tired because you were being chased. The best thing you can do is sneak around carefully and quietly like a ninja on stealth mode and hope not to be found again. Be sure you do NOT run because your footsteps will be heard which can put you in danger. Also keep in mind to be listening carefully to your surroundings.My advice after a while of sneaking around would be to find another hiding spot like the same as before (somewhere no one expects and a place where you can see everything). Remember you are sneaking around so be prepared to run at any moment just in case.
Your Advantages
Depending on the kind of person you are and your outside skills you will have different advantages in the game. Advantages can take place in every of the past three paragraphs. You might be a real ninja which makes you good at hiding, a member of the track team for being good at running, or a laser tag expert which makes your skills at being sneaky better than the others playing. You might also be short and be able to fit in small places or be tall and be able to jump over things easily. One skill you can teach yourself is "parkour" which will make you unreachable and very good at escaping.
Common SenseAlways have in mind that there might be others around the neighborhoodso try not to bother them by going into their bushes. If you do not respect other's property you just might have an old man telling you to get off his lawn. Also remember to be careful and not try anything dangerous because then you will just end up crying for mommy to kiss your boo boo. Lastly I want to advice the public also not to set your phones on vibrate or silence so the seeker will not hear it and come after you.
These are the all the things you need to know on becoming a good hide and seek player. Also remember to be a good ninja and do whatever it takes to not get caught, no matter what.
Photo By: Tyrone Islington Photography
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