Friday, December 16, 2011

Deadmau5,(Not Dead Mouse)

Deadmau5 is a grammy award winning DJ who is best known for his mouse helmet.Some of Deadmau5's music includes electro house,electronica,and,dubstep with one of his greatest songs ''Ghosts n' Stuff'''.

Deadmau5's name came from a day where he found a dead mouse in his computer;his new nickname later became Deadmau5.His birth name is Joel Thomas Zimmerman and was born in Toronto,Ontario,Canada.

To learn more about Deadmau5 click here.


I'm glad that we have two weeks off of school for the holidays.i love the christmas season when everybody is happy and cheerful.You get to drink hot chocolate; eat candy canes and decorate the tree. we even get to go caroling and see everyones christmas lights.Everybody have a happy holiday!

"Oohh! Watch This Part!"- Calypsa Tomlin

Going to the movies can be a fun experience except for when somebody won't stop talking during the movie. It's so rude! Honestly, if you would like to talk with someone why would you go to the movies?

I went to the movies with one of my friends and during the whole movies she did nothing but talk to me. After the movie I didn't even know what had happened, I had to rent the movie to see it again.

Anyway, if you go to the movies just watch the movie and don't talk, it can be very irritating. :p

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Club Nintendo

This site is amazing. Just like many rewards site you get many amazing stuff like I got a fan,ds holder,and giant ar card.

Just buy a nintendo game and put the code in. You get coins for awards and for a rank gold and platinum. They give special stuff like gold last year was a calendar but I didn't have internet to get it in time.But you should sign up to it and start earning coins.

RANDOMNESSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I enjoy random things like running around like a maniac because that is just me but why other people? I found this site that i kind of want to buy off of this person because it is funny. Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have also found some thing that had reminded me of my BFF's because we are random!!!!!!!RAAANDOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

marilyn monroe

This beauty with talent did more than just sing and play ucalayley , Marilyn Monroe was one of the greatest female actresses of her era. She had quite a great job as an actress.

She's also well known for the dress over the manhole picture which is super scandalous but just so darling. I fell in love with her after I saw her in "Some Like it Hot" it completely changed my perspective on old movies.

She also stared in some other movies such as "Clash by Night" , "We're Not Married" and many others. Marilyn Monroe is an idol for many and her legacy will live on .


books I'm reading (feb '05) by ario_I love the Heroes of Olympus book series! The series is about the prophesy of 7, in which 7 demigods must work together to stop Gaea, mother earth, and defeat her army of giants. The series has 2 books so far. but the author Rick Riordan has a few more books to write to complete the series. If you ever have a chance you should read these books, you won't be disappointed. You would learn a lot about Greek mythology, and don't forget to read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, they are equally great. I love reading!   

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Holy six-pack! The number of men getting tummy tucks has doubled over the last decade. Also on the rise are the use of lotions and gels to tighten the skin or make it appear less puffy, similar to cellulite creams for women.

I wish I could tell them all that it’s really not worth it. No lady that I know wants a man who’s more obsessed with his appearance than she is.

“Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”

Once you've made the decision to change, your direction becomes foggy.
That means, you want to let go of your new behavior and go back to your old behaviors that served you better, but you don't know what's going on. You've looked at your old habit and you now see that it's time to do something different, but is it right?

Think of the value to your life of having good habits that keep you healthy.
Ask the people close to you to support you on your path if your having a hard time.
Make time to find and explore your talents.
Begin feeding your mind and subconscious mind new information so that you create new habits that will propel you to success.

You too can achieve the success you want.
You can make the right choices.
May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong; enough success to keep you eager; enough faith to give you courage; enough determination to make each day a good day!!! Therefore it's OK to change your ways but, be happy with how you look.

Don't Change Who You are Just be You!

The way I see it, using cosmetic surgery to change the way you look is wrong. The people who want to have it done so they can be better than someone else need to wake up and realize what they are thinking.

People who want to have cosmetic surgery because they just didn't want to be the one known as the girl who is almost the prettiest, they are being unreasonable. If people think they aren't good enough because of what they are so wrong. Nobody should ever feel they need to change their physical appearance to fit in or be cool.

It's not right to change the way you look just because someone said something they shouldn't have. Stop thinking you're not good enough for certain people an be who you want to be!

Changing yourself is it really that big of a thing?

Changing yourself should'nt be right by any means. As of plastic surgery,makeup, steroids, or even hair dye people are wasting their money to change themselves.

They say change is good but it doesn't me go change yourself. you are YOU. Fine just the way you are. The only way you should change is the natural way. If you were born this way why don't you want to stay that way. Everyone has blemishes not just you and no one is perfect.

How Do I Look ?!!

I'm sure everyone has their flaws and things they really wish they could change and it can become really bad . Some people have mental disease that causes them to think that they need to be perfect in as many ways as possible .

The disease is called Body Dysmorphic Disorder or in shorter terms BDD . They eventually want to look like a brand new Barbie doll that just came out of the box. In their mind so anatomically correct that can't even see pimple on their forehead .

Its sort of sad to see these people that inject themselves with lord knows what kinds of liquids and plastic and other types of chemicals that are taking away from the probably already beautiful person .

I have yet to find one good thing that comes from cosmetic surgery . it causes sagging and terrable aging and you really end up worse than you thought you were . So in conclution cosmetic surgey is an ungrateful process .

Monday, December 5, 2011

Improve Yourself?

Some people think it is good to improve yourself using artificial means.Some examples are steroids,plastic surgery,and makeup.I think it is wrong to do that because you are not showing the people around you who you really are.Secondly,for plastic surgery there can be alot of physical pain and you might have to wear bandages have your body heal from the surgery.Lastly for makeup,why would you want to spend so much money on something that will not even last you a long time.To find out what your opinion on plastic surgery is click here.

Changing your self: good or bad

Ack! by tbridgeIs changing yourself a good thing or a bad thing? I say it a very bad thing. You should accept the way you are and not change your self. For example, plastic surgery, a fake way to try and improve yourself. Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong has some exanples of how plastic surgery can make you worse rather than make you better. You were made the way you are, instead of using artificial ways to change yourself, you should live with it and accept your self because you don't want to ruin yourself.


I believe that it is because it is your opinion!! It is all your idea people might not like it but if you do then it doesn't mater what people think. Michael Jackson didn't like the was he looked so he changed it!! That is what he wanted to be. When people say oh no one is perfect except god well still try to reach to that goal. One of my church songs was Trying To Be Like Jesus. It talks about how we should try to do everything like Jesus. To do that we have to go through trials and hard times where we have to make decisions and it is all you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pay For Free Toys?

San Francisco had passed a new law that requires people to pay ten cents for a toy when they buy a meal that is not nutritional. Mc.Donalds has decided to agree to this new law and use the money to build a Ronald Mc Donald for families.Burger King has also decided to go along with the new law,but they still do not know what they will do with the money.The law also requires restaurants to serve friuts and vegtables instead of food high in fat or sugar.To view the whole story click on the link below.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Black Friday Chaos!

If you have not already heard, an incident took place at a Wal-Mart icluding twenty people being pepper sprayed by a woman.The woman was attempting to grab an X-Box when she suddenly took out her pepper spray to try an make a path for her to get through.Some say she was just defending herself from having her items taken away by other shoppers.

Already mentioned before,twenty peple were pepper sprayed.Ten victims had minor injuries while ten others got cuts and bruises during the chaos.There was even one person who had to be rushed to the hospital.Have people forgot about the peace and happiness in Thanksgiving?It does not seem like it with all these things happing during Black Friday.

It's Black Friday, Black Friday.........

Black Friday proved to be troublesome at several shopping centers, with more than two dozen shoppers injured and several arrests due to reckless shopping, robberies and other incidents.

Troubles at the nation's largest retailer began late Thanksgiving Day, when about 20 customers, including kids, were injured at a Los Angeles Walmart after they were Pepper Sprayed by a shopper.

Police, who are still searching for the woman, say she used the pepper spray to gain an edge over fellow shoppers trying to get to discounted Xbox video games. People nearby started shouting and ripping at the plastic wrap encasing on the gaming consoles.

People started screaming, pulling and pushing each other, and then the whole area filled up with pepper spray.

I guess what made that happen is that people started pulling the plastic off the pallets and then shoving and bombarding the display of games. It started with people pushing and screaming because they were getting shoved onto the boxes. Is this what you want for the holidays?

Black Friday Madness !!!!

If you think that the mall is already packed you've obviously never seen and or heard of Black Friday . It is a shopping mad house and the best sales of the year so its either wait , wait or wait because these lines are all the way to Timbuktu .If at any way possible get there early because you will have a heck of a time in the back of the line. Shoppers from all over come just for this amazing shopping experience and they all end up with Black Friday Fever they say its caused by the cheapest prices of the year so its worth a shot . And whats the big deal I mean unless all this leads to a fight ... which it sometimes does , whether its over an X-Box or an amazing pair of boots people will claw scratch and yell so be prepared to see the best night of your life . Good luck next year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

IDOITS AT BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This article is so sad a woman trampled with no one to help except one person. Black Friday shoppers are crazy get your act together people don't be stupid!!!!!!!!! This poor girl was sent to the hospital for a video game are you really that desperate. be a peace maker please be the better person. Just look at it, it is horrible they don't even care about what happens around them.It is just sad. DON'T BE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madness of black friday

Really this is ridiculous! Just because prices are down does not mean people can act this way. This should be the times to buy gifts for others.But some people just buy to get this new sweater or a game that everyone have except for you.

People just ram into the store after waiting outside and breaking things in the store to get these items. You don't have to pepper spray people or fight to get stuff while your doing that someone just walks away with your item. THEY ARE JUST THINGS THERE IS NO REASON TO GIVE SOMEONE A BLOODY NOSE FOR JUST A GAME!!!

To me there should be more than one day for this so not everyone is rioting for stuff. no grabbing from shopping carts or racing to get a huge tv your not gonna get it your gonna be flattend by it. The medical bill is gonna be higher than your receipt.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Insanity on Friday

Year after year, on Black Friday, shoppers go all out to get that perfect deal. They sleep outside, sacrifice Thanksgiving dinner with their families, and spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary things that will only last so long.

Shoppers went to the extreme this year, at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles lady brought pepper spay and sprayed up to twenty people, in New York two women were injured in a fight, and another man was shot in California. Seriously?!? This is insane why would people do this? Hurting other people to get a good deal is unacceptable there is no reason to hurt others. These incidents are horrible, it's amazing what people will do to get a good deal on things.

Has our country stooped so low that we hurt others just to get something on sale. People are forgetting the real meaning of Thanksgiving; to give thanks for our wonderful country, our freedom, and most of all our families that love us very much. Why have we forgotten in the first place? Is it because we put objects before family? I know that my family has never skipped out on Thanksgiving dinner because of Black Friday, we always get together laugh and have a good time all evening. People need to stop obsessing over holiday deals and spend time with family not push through a crowd with strangers.

Black Friday Shopping Madness

   An article about Black Friday called "Black Friday brings out more than shoppers in N.C." describes shotings during Black Friday. In North Carolina, at Cross Creek Mall, at 2:00 a.m on Black Friday, two suspects just started to shot around the entrance of the mall without reason. They didn't hurt anyone but they could have because there were a lot of people outside waiting to shop. This is how insane things can get on Black Friday. Black Friday shopping can be really dangerous and I think it is ridiculous! People go crazy enough over sales to wake up at midnight and wait in long lines! I think people should not shop on Black Friday because its not safe.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Keep Dodgeball?

Dodgeball is not an appropriate game for middle school physical education.Some reasons include being physically injured,showing students that you win by hurting others,and some students do not follow the rules.You can get hurt by being hit in the face or other areas.When students hit others with the ball they fell good because they win but they also feel that it is alright to hurt other players.Lastly when the students do not follow the rules they can get really rough and really hurt others.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I say Dodge ball is fun. Kids enjoy it.
You know how they run around all cute like, and are having a great time, screaming and getting all confused. Sure some people throw hard, but most people's throw are like little rainbows.
It's not like your trying to kill someone, just have fun.
Dodgeball builds up a few good skills too, like "dodging", aiming, coordination, teamwork and team spirit. Just a friendly game.
I mean, look how much fun this kid is having. :)

The dodgeball do and don't

10.Don't get hit.
9.Do try to hit someone with ball.
8.Don't get out.
7.Do get opponent out.
6.Don't get your team out
5.Do get your team back in.
4.Don't be sad
3.Do have fun
2.Do have play the game.

I just don't get it why get rid of such a great game. It has so many attributes like speed,agility,and strength. It is a great game if you don't like it just adapt the rules try to set a point to aim at like below the waist or if your not trying at all and get hit by the ball your not out.

The game like any good game can't get rid of.There's nothing wrong with the game it's just how you play it.

Dodge Ball Blues

After many hours in class of debating dodge ball, I realize people spend way to much time debating over stupid, little things. When people could be doing something more productive like, making world peace or, something more important than dodge ball!!!!

Why even debate over dodge ball anyway? I say, if kids want to play dodge ball let them play dodge ball! What's wrong with children getting hurt once in a while? NOTHING! Getting bumps and bruises is a part of growing up. People are trying more and more to shield kids from the real world, if this progresses our world might end up like it did in The Giver, a sort of utopia where nothing bad ever happens.

People need to stop being wusses and just get over it! If you're so worried about dodge ball what do you think you'll do when the end of the world comes? Why don't you try hiding behind a bunch of dodge balls, and tell me how good that worked when you're dead.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dodge Ball Is ...

Okay so I watched video on youtube and well if you haven't seen it you need to and here's a link to it don't worry . But any ways it's pretty fair about whether or not dodge ball should be replaced in P.E. or any where for that matter. These people have an idea that jumping rope is bad so they have a handful of people making fools of themselves and jumping with the air . I honestly think kids should man up and just play and then you should have some war armor and you won't look like a wimp . Sometimes I just don't know , if we can't throw a simple ball at one another how else are we going to prepare ourselves for whats out there ?

BAD DEBATES ON PE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so I went to the P.E. hall of shame and I saw that there were 2 other halls the first one was so dumb I didn't even want to look at the next one. Then I went to and I couldn't stop reading that was hilarious. So if we band dodge ball then what happens to wipeout or those funny shows we all love?

you know it is funny! So make kids get the courage to do this so you can laugh at them all. KEEEEEP DOOOODGEEE BAAAALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

What's Amigurumi?

I first heard about amigurumi (pronounced ah-mee-goo-roo-mee)a couple of weeks ago, and recently heard about it again yesterday, so I decided to figure out what it is.

It turns out amigurumi means a stuffed toy or animal made of crocheted yarn, with an over-sized head. This Japanese art was created centuries ago and nobody really knows by who. The ancient art really caught on in the 1970s and has been growing ever since because of internet popularity.

Many websites say that making these adorable little dolls is easy and requires few, simple tools. Really, the possibilities are endless on what you can make. From Nintendo characters to inanimate objects, amigurumi even makes this potted cactus look cute:

While these are so cute they take awhile to make, people say, it really depends on what you make. You can end up taking a couple hours or a couple months considering your experience and how big you plan on making your dolls.

Who knows, maybe we might start to see amigurumi around the school in a few months. I know I will try to make these adorable dolls.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

P.E. Debate

I think that these activities are fine I mean its just a game. GOSH! Why do you have to make such a big deal about it. If you got a problem with it then don't play.
So what if dodge ball causes pain that's why you "dodge the ball" so you don't get hit, and I don't even know what the problem is with red rover.
Like I said its just a game. GET OVER IT!

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Great Debate about P.E. Activities

Should P.E. have game activities like dodgeball and tag? Or are they "inappropriate" things to do P.E. class. I believe those game  are inappropriate for P.E. class because they can cause injuries and pain. Throwing balls at someone or tagging people is not a good way to get proper P.E. exercise. Exercise should be benificial for your body, not to cause pain or injury. Another reason why dodgeball and tag are not appropriate for P.E. is that tagging people and hitting people with balls in certain areas on perpose can be considered sexual harrassment.  There are plenty of other activities evertyone can do at P.E. to keep being healthy. In conclusion, these activities are inappropriate because they are dangerous and can cause some sexual offense to people.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to sky dive

I've seen pictures of people skydiving and I have been wondering how you do it.Here are instructionsIt seems beautiful I wonder what paragliding is too now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to pet a kitty!!! :D

I like petting my kitty so here ya go.

1.The kitty decides when it's petting time.

2.Do not pat the kitty's head.

3.If the kitty purrs, you are doing a satisfactory job. Grade=C. If the kitty dozes off you are doing an excellent job. Grade=A+. If the kitty stares back at you with their ears pointed backward, you are doing a horrible job.Grade=F-

4.If the kitty exposes their belly, it is an invitation for a belly rub.

5.Do not prematurely end the petting session, the kitty will make up for this time later.


Now alot of people have wondered why your voice changes when you ihhale helium.The reason for that is that helium allows sound to travel faster which causes shorter wavelengths and a higher frequency.This is what makes your vioce sound higher like that of a cartoon character.To understand this process better click here.http://

Tattoos = Awesome

The things that interest me the most are tattoos. They can be pretty interesting when you research them. I found that they are inked into the and they are life scares. Tattoos can be just the ink or colorful, but they usually are colorful. They are cool, fresh, original, and amazing designs, which become addictive.

I find that at least one tattoo is essential to have lived a little. How else would we express our selves besides the fact that we have music and clothing , its pretty much our only way shape or form.

I find them interesting because they always have a certain story or meaning behind them and that's why tattoos are so uniquely interesting.
clothing and music. I understand that it isn't really great job dress code but it does mean something to them most of the time and you obviously can't remove it so deal with the expression.

They also have a pretty cool back ground too so check it out . I find tattoos both unique and fascinating but they always have a reason too that is why i like them so much.

Surfing for the Summer

Being more of a beach person, I've always wanted to learn how to surf. I always see people having a lot of fun surfing whenever I go to the beach, and I've tried it only once before but never got the hang of it. My friend had to force me onto the board and practically drag me out so I could "catch a wave" but when I finally got out there it was so much fun(even though I wiped out every time I stood up).

Even though I've never rode the "perfect wave" or even stood on the board for more that a few seconds, I have still always wanted to get into surfing. Although I do want to start surfing I am a little reluctant because I don't want to end up looking like this:

After a lot of research on where to go to surf, what you need, and all the other basics, I think I will try and start surfing this coming summer. I have found a lot of information about surf camps, and trying lessons here. I am definitely ready to "hang ten" this summer.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chemical Reaction!

Now you may be wondering why soda explodes when you put mentos in it and the answer is simple,a chemical reaction takes place.The small holes on the mentos allow the carbon dioxide to enter and cause the reaction which makes the foam escape from the top of the bottle.

If you want to try this experiment you will need to follow these few steps.To make the experiment work you NEED mint flavored mentos and some diet soda,now drop the mentos in the bottle and start running!Remember you may want to do this somewhere where you will not disturb others.


     I always wanted to visit the White House in Washington D.C, to learn all about it. I already know that the President of the U.S lives there and that its in Washington D.C but I really want to know the history about it.  The White House is an interesting place to me. To learn more about it, I looked it up on google and found some interesting things about it.
     Here is one of the facts I learned about the White House, the White House was used by Presidents since it was built in 1790. The White House is a symbol of the American people, government, and the leadership of the country. It is also a symbol for authority, Presidency, and the power of the nation. Someday I will visit the White House and maybe even learn more about the place.White House

translating weird, nerdy things

I have always wanted to know how to translate things in to a different language. MRS.HYNES JE NEJLEPŠÍ this is Mrs.Hynes is the best, isn't that great. Know what way is the best way to learn how to translate some thing with out having to type some thing in.

So I googled the best way to translate and got topics on Spanish , Italian, and Russian. I think the best way to translate some thing now is to just get an on line class or get a professional.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Could Multitasking be Deadly?

Multitasking is not only dangerous because it can cause serious car accidents, like studies show here. But, even worse other studies show that even thinking about multitasking can reduce your IQ by 10 points! This study also states that as we continue to multitask to meet our busy lifestyles that we become agitated and more edgy.

Furthermore, if we use technology while multitasking, such as texting, going on Facebook, etc. We eventually become socially awkward and empty.

This shows that we need to slow down, "take it easy", relax and take one thing at a time. Just because we don't get what we wanted done doesn't mean that it's the end of the world, we should just take our time. I am not saying we should procrastinate and do everything at the last minute, we just need to calm down a bit and focus on one thing at a time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Addictive Phone Game

Death to pigs all birds rule , this game is completely a waste of pure genious . Whats the fun in killing pigs and using birds to do it with a sling shot . I found the game Angry Birds fun when i was completely bored . But if you like having a boring life or no life at all well by all means be my guest . Its only a game of skill which is like the least ranked game in the of most games . If you still don't believe me go spend the $1.50 on a phone game . How do these people expect us to waste our money on something like this I have no idea . But lets just let it run its course and we shall see how this all pans out .

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Planking is very fun and awesome.
Planking is where you stay perfectly still on your belly. Exactly like this.....
*WARNING*DO NOT DO THIS IN UNSAFE PLACES! This is just for fun, so go and plank and take a picture and post it on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogger or whatever the thingumabob you use.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

crazy cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a cat lover? Do you ever wonder where they get all those cat pictures?funny pictures - Cat got your tongue?
do you know that most of the pictures you look up are just from random people? So i encourage you to find some thing really crazy that you like and just tell about it. I like finding things that people do all the time but don't mean to like most girls when they talk over explain things. Or we all say like at least 5 times in a sentents. So be like those people that like to take weird pictures of cats. and let me know about it. BE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Percy Jackson and Olympians: the series

The series is about a demigod (Percy Jackson) and  the Olympian Gods. Percy is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. In the series, Percy and his friends (Annabeth and Grover) go on different quests to stop the evil lord Kronos from destroying Olmpus. This book series has the best books I have ever read in my life. I recommend this series to any one who likes adventure, comedy, excitement, magic, and myths. The books are The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle at the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. My favorite book is The Last Olympian  you can find it at Last Olympianx

Friday, October 21, 2011

Justin Bieber

I don't get the stuff about Justin Bieber hate him enough to kill him or completely obsessed with him but I took this test for fun and here are the results.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Edgar Allan Poe: Mad as the hatter or someone like you?

What I assume he is a regular person to me no one abnormal or everyone is strange or weird everyone is different even him. Let me ask this question if you had this hard life would you want to express these things with what your best at like writing,singing,speaking,or with an attitude. He is just a normal person with differences.


Was Edgar Allen Poe a crazy freak? Or just.... normal? I think he was a demented fool. But he didn't start out that way. I think from all the death in his life and all the tuberculosis he got depressed and went insane, and he was exposed at such a young age. So to express his feelings he wrote poems and stories. Of course he didn't mean to go insane, he is normal in a way but he chooses to expresses himself differently. So he is pretty much insane.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Edgar Allen Poe: crazy or normal

Was Poe a phyco mad man, or a normal  person? I believe that he could have been a normal, but I think he was mentally disturbed. I understand he was disturbed because his mother, foster mother, and wife all died of the same disease which would drive any one insane. Poe wrote creepy,disturbing stories and poems that he might have wrote because he was so upset over the deaths of his loved ones. Just because someone does something disturbing does not mean you can judge them as crazy. They might just be expressing their feelings and ideas about the world.

Monday, October 17, 2011

College Costs

In this blog post I will be answering the question of how much it costs to go to different kinds of college.For the average college it will cost you about $16,140 if you attend a public college for four years or a university in-state.But if chose to go to a private four year college or university it will be $36,993 dollars.Also keep in mind that there will be an additional cost of $4,000 for textbooks,supplies and other things you might need like transpotation or food.If you want to learn the cost it will be for you click here.

Judge a Book by It's Cover?

Just because someone writes something scary,crazy or nasty doesn't mean that they are that kind of person. Take Edgar Allan Poe for example,he wrote lots of stories about death and horror but he was just any kind of man you would see walking by.Maybe one of your friends is a person like that and you don't know it and you know that they are nice and friendly.So the next time you meet someone or read a book remember to not judge a book buy it's cover.


When a person writes they start with there feelings so that way you know how that person is. If the story is sad and depressing then most likely they are depressed. Or if it seems to be an angry mood than they most likely have anger issues. Stephenie Meyer is some one who likes a good love story,or she believes in fairy tails and vampires that doesn't make her crazy. All people have a great type of writing they just have to find it. They do these things by trying crazy stuff.So don't judge a book by its cover.

"Poe"-etic Genius

Some people say that Edgar Allen Poe was an insane writer, but is that really fair? Poe went through a lot of hard times in his life, and writing could have been his escape to let out some of his deep emotional feelings out on paper. People have been debating over Poe being mentally disturbed for awhile now but, in my opinion he was just a man terrified of death and he showed it in his work. We live in a world full of criticism and fast judgment, even back then this was the case too, people take first glance at something and they just judge it right away. If you ask me, people need to take the time to dig into literature more these days and really think about what they're reading, instead of just making fast judgments. Poe was a true genius.

My thoughts

Schizophrenic , Demented , and completely normal some say Edgar Allan Poe needed help beyond ways possible . There's nothing I can do to change your opinion on if he is crazy or not but let me ask you this , how and if so why ? No one knows what went through his head but who could have he was scared , twisted , and an unhappy drunk . He obviously had a huge case of post traumatic stress disorder but that is all because his mother adoptive mother and wife died of tuberculosis and that has to cause some thing deep and dark to grow inside of you . In my eyes he was lost and scared to ask for any help he couldn't help but be that way that was him his whole life built around terror and loss and i don't blame him he had no way of knowing better . This is why Edgar Allan Poe is the demented writer we know today .

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Tree of Torture

By far I think I have found the weirdest mascot in the history of college mascots. Seriously I know it's all fun and games but feel real pity for the one who has to run around in a demented tree costume. I mean seriously this thing looks like a tree that had a serious plastic surgery problem.

Hands down to me this is the wackiest mascot ever! I challenge my fellow bloggers to find something that is as cooky and crazy as the Stanford tree. If you want to see who the top ten weirdest mascots are in the country according to RealClearSports click here.