Monday, October 31, 2011

Could Multitasking be Deadly?

Multitasking is not only dangerous because it can cause serious car accidents, like studies show here. But, even worse other studies show that even thinking about multitasking can reduce your IQ by 10 points! This study also states that as we continue to multitask to meet our busy lifestyles that we become agitated and more edgy.

Furthermore, if we use technology while multitasking, such as texting, going on Facebook, etc. We eventually become socially awkward and empty.

This shows that we need to slow down, "take it easy", relax and take one thing at a time. Just because we don't get what we wanted done doesn't mean that it's the end of the world, we should just take our time. I am not saying we should procrastinate and do everything at the last minute, we just need to calm down a bit and focus on one thing at a time.


  1. Nice one. I've read a few articles where researchers argue that we can't truly "multi task." When we give our focus to one area, the other usually suffers.

  2. I was looking at an article that said the same thing when I was researching this topic. I decided not to use it because I thought the one I linked to would be better for my topic.
