Friday, October 14, 2011

The Tree of Torture

By far I think I have found the weirdest mascot in the history of college mascots. Seriously I know it's all fun and games but feel real pity for the one who has to run around in a demented tree costume. I mean seriously this thing looks like a tree that had a serious plastic surgery problem.

Hands down to me this is the wackiest mascot ever! I challenge my fellow bloggers to find something that is as cooky and crazy as the Stanford tree. If you want to see who the top ten weirdest mascots are in the country according to RealClearSports click here.

1 comment:

  1. Might be the weirdest. Banana slugs are pretty strange though. And so are anteaters. (UC Santa Cruz and UC Irvine. Leave it to those crazy Californians.
