The plot of a book is most important thing because it makes up the main point of the story. In a perfect book the plot should have clever surprises and secret informnation hidden throughout ther whole book.
When I read a book, I like surprises that just pop out at me, things I wouldn't expect to happen. Like in the book the City of Bones when the two main characters fall in love, then they turn out to be brother and sister!(later they find out they aren't) Surprises are great factors in a book because they grab your attention and adds to the main plot of the whole book.
Every good book needs these three elements: adventure, humor, and romance. For the adventure, the book should have some form of a goal and a quest that the main characters must complete in order to defeat the enemy or reach a certain goal. Humor is always something that everyone likes. Funny occurences or comments in the the book always makes the book more enjoyable for the reader. Romances is mot something that is required, but some people do like it.
Characters are always important in a book because they demonstrate the story. They add the personality and humor to the book. The characters make the book intersting.
There is nothing I like more than a good book. The perfect book for someone deopends on the person and what they like. Good authors always include something for everyone to satistfy everyone's taste. That is my idea of the perfect book for everyone.

Oh man, I didn't know Jace and Clary turned out NOT to be brother and sister! I guess I'd better hurry and finish those Mortal Instruments.