Thursday, March 8, 2012

A World of Advancement

Photo by:IronRodArt - Royce Bair (NightScapes on Thursdays)

I believe in a world of advancement and the sense of creation to make the world full of technology and exploration as in space.I believe in a world that will work together for one community.I believe in a bright future for all to live in and all to be accepted. No putting people behind just because of differences. No leaders no rulers no kings or queens just people who take on the world. Ideas are accepted. A world where anyone can do anything.

These things are what I am willing to put forward to. To bring hope to others to anyone who needs it to sew this world together and help it move forward. Once the world is united we can truly reach for the stars. I want to create a future that has sprung many ideas to life. Everyone can contribute to a world of change. Through mother nature, communities, families and even jobs.


  1. Starts out with brother's and sisters. Then couples. Then strangers. Governments, Senators, and Kings. They all fight everyday. In congress, house of reps, and etc. So if the world wants peace, Then I think it won't be happening for a while

  2. I agree it will take a while but I can see that future happening it may take long but i can wait.
