Friday, May 11, 2012

The Dooms of Group Work

Photo by: EU Social
People say that working in groups can be a fun way to socialize and split up the work on difficult projects. Yeah right. This only happens when you have the perfect group of people. Which never happens by the way. The perfect group would be people who split up the work evenly, and each do quality work, not just something put together last minute.

The reason I hate group work so mush is because when I was in elementary school I had a teacher who absolutely adored group work. I was like if you didn't want to work in a group it was the end of the world for her. This wasn't my favorite teacher, I can tell you that. I preferred to work by myself, and I still do, so every time we had a project it was, "Okay everyone find a project partner!" While I stood in the back of the room and looked around, and when asked who my partner was I would just give a simple one-worded reply like "Myself." She just stared at me like I had some sort of flesh eating disease. Eventually at the end of the year, she gave in and I finally got to work on a project by myself.

 I also despise group work because, when I did have to work with someone else they either never did it or it was really crappy work. So, I ended up turning in a lot of half done projects that year, but I did still get a good grade because I would always rat out the other person out of anger.

I've never really had a good experience with group work, well maybe a few were pretty good, so maybe I am a little biased, but all I know is that I DESPISE GROUP WORK!!!

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