Photo By: Lestat Asterion
Almost everyone in the United States Debate about this topic. The people that recommend leaving the alcohol age limit the same at twenty-one see that if there is no problem why change it. Others who think of lowering the age limit think of what difference it could make to improve alcohol usage. The way everyone thinks of the matter of changing every day lives. Everyone has there own point of view on a topic then there's mine.
Well my side of the debate is that I recommend the drinking age limit to be lowered. Here are my reasons are why the age limit should be lowered to 18. One is that even if that point of age can be mimicked by those at 14 or older those who do mimic the age would need a permit to show that they can drink responsibly. If they find a way to bypass that system its fine if they do it would teach them to tolerate alcohol. This is also a way to prevent car accidents because if a child were to get into a car by then will be able to tolerate DUI not good to be doing it but it is fine by me if no one gets hurt.
Idiotic comments or little petty problems like can be the worst so here some things people might say. What if some one younger than 18 gets a hold of alcohol? OK how much damage can a 14 year old get into if they don't have a drivers licence or a permit to wield a weapon only there will be an increase in fights but they can be easily stopped. Another question would be how would a child or teen be chosen to drink responsibly? There's a thing called a learners permit which can be undermined by teachers and parents once the person gets their permit signed they can access alcohol from almost anywhere or once they surpass the age of 21 they are able to drink without a permit.
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