I personally believe that the drinking age is fine the way it is. I really think teens shouldn't be drinking because they can be reckless and abuse it. Lowering the drinking age isn't going to solve anything it will just make teen drinking legal which could increase the drinking level. I don't plan on drinking as a teen or adult. Drinking could ruin a life and make you do something you would reget. By lowering the drinking age, you would increase the possibility of more drinkers and car accidents.
Some people believe that the drinking age should be lowered because it is an 18 year olds right to be able to drink legally because they are adults. I believe that keeping the drinking age at 21 is keeping people safe and even though its an adults right to make their own decisions, they may need something like a law, to help them make the right decision.
It is not wise to lower the drinking age, if any change must be made, raise the drinking age, it would be better for the non-drinkers. The drinking age should not be changed.

photo by: andlun1
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