Group work is bad because you have to depend on other people to get their part of the job done. I admitt that if you have good responsible partners, group work would be ok. But from my own expirence working with a group, my patners did not do their part and the whole project got a bad grade. After that I really just wanted to work on my own.
Working in a group is also bad because you could get stuck with all the work while your group members get credit for your work. It just makes me mad when people just sit there and expect you to do all the work for them. Group work can really suck when you end up with all the work.
The only good things about group work is having a hard working, supportive group that will do the work right and take things seriously. Only then is group work benifial.
Group work is also good when your group copperates with each other and gets along. If a group can't decide on anything, the whole project is ruined.
Group work has both is good and its bad sides.
photo by: eldan

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