Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Drinking Age?

Many people have asked the question if whether the drinking age should be kept or lowered. I say that the drinking age should be kept at where it is. Lowering the age would just cause more problems and be a waste of time and money. If there is nothing wrong with keeping the drinking age at 21 then why change it at all to something that probably will?

I believe that the drinking age should be kept at 21 for two main reasons. The first reason is that it could save many lives each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's studies show that the drinking age at 21 saves about 800 lives each year. The second reason involves the teens themselves and drinking illegally.

Other research also shows that teens that drink before they are 14 are more likely to get into serious problems. If a teen starts drinking at a younger age they are more likely to get into fights,become addicted,and can become  involved in car related accidents.Also, the people who think that the drinking age should be lowered usually do not have good arguments to support their side.

Many people who think that the driving age should be lowered usually say that keeping the age at 21 has not helped society. Dr.David J. Hanson believes that a drinking learner permit would solve drinking problems. I say that this is a complete waste of time and money and that the people will still probably break the rules.This is why I think that the drinking age should be kept at 21.

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