You survive middle school by following the rules and not getting in trouble. These steps are important because they keep you from getting suspended, therefore actually letting you go to middle school. Surviving middle school means getting through it without too many regrets or bruises. So don't get in trouble and ruin your chances of getting into high school.
Two of the most important middle school survive skills are staying out of other people's problems and making friends to make middle school barable. Middle school drama can be the worse, it causes most of the problems in school besides gossip. To survive middle school without too many problems, is to stay out of people's business, it'll save you from getting in trouble or getting beat up. Everyone has to have friends. Someone to talk to and be there to help you. Having friends make middle school more worth it and not boring. Don't be shy, make friends, they're good to have. Survive middle school!
The last step to surviving middle school is to do your school work. Most important because you can't leave middle school without passing 7th and 8th grade. You must survive middle school by doing all your school work. Survive!
photo by: DeepCwind

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