Some people believe that they should lower the age, but it would be better to keep it where it is. They are trying to change something that doesn't need to be changed. Even arguing this right now is wasting time lowering it wont change much. They want to educate people about the dangers of drinking, this is true but do you need to change the age to educate people,this way they don't need a permit. They should keep the age where it is at, 21.
If you lower the age of drinking there will be more underage drinking. The 18 year old that underage drinks now will get what they want and wont be caught. They will also want their 16 and 17 year old friends to join in so they will be underage drinkers then we will lower the law again then the 16 year old will have a friend that is 14 or 15 years old. The 16 year old will want his friend to drink with him and there will be more underage drinking and this process will go on and on.
An other thing is that there will be more drinking and driving!!!!! Did you know that when the law of you having to be 21 years of age was passed it saved 800 lives a year??? If you lower the age to 18 years of age the people that wont be doing under age drinking will be drunk driving. This is something that kills peoples lives, WAKE UP PEOPLE, one of my friends had died by drinking and driving and we all regret that night.
The yes on lowering the age of drinking are pretty stupid!!!!! Dr. David J. Hanson said,"The DARE [drug abuse resistance education]program, for instance, which is use in about 70% of the schools in the country, is basically a scar tactic. There has not been a single scientific study of effects of DARE..." Well if it doesn't work very well then why do so many schools us it. Also it doesn't need any scientific study to prove that it work if it work then it work if it doesn't then it doesn't!!!!!! The drinking age should stay at the age of 21!!!!!
BY: emrank
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