Friday, September 28, 2012
Sorry for the lack of blogging
It has been so long but I have been moving around. A quick note is that I will blog more soon.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
How to Survive My Friends
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photo by nataliej |
have to be something else to be able to handle my friends. We are all very
different but at the same time so similar it’s completely uncanny. The five
steps to surviving my friends are: Be as weird as possible, Say I love you a
lot, participate in “Hair Time”, Do Not I repeat Not touch their possessions, and
sit at your correct spot at the specific table.
Step 1: Be as weird as
If you aren’t weird you
wouldn’t be able to tolerate my friends. You have to some type of weirdness
whether it’s the way you act or even the faces you make you need to be weird.
How else do you think we would get along like normal people, but what it normal
any way some make believe thing for by society to change the ay people are. We
don’t change our weirdness we are just plain weird, I honestly wouldn’t have it
any other way. Like this one time we were in science class and I walk over and
the next thing I know I’m in the middle of a random foot date… please don’t ask
but I mean who else but my friends would do that.
Step 2: Say I love you a lot
I love you is like a form of hello to us we litterally say it that often. If you don't say I love you in our group you are at risk of being shunned. Seriously we say it in unnecessary amounts it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know what i would do if I love you wasn't also like a safety word to us, we always say that when a joke goes too far. I love you has save some of my greatest friendships.
Step 3: "Hair Time" Participation
Once my friend Becky was sad so my other friend Jenifer walked up to her and she was all Hair Time while petting Becky's head.This has become a popular thing in our group. And you know what its pretty awesome. If you don't participate you will suffer from no hair time-itus its a serious issue that effects everybody but us. But you can fix this by participating in "Hair Time".
Step 4: Sit at Your Correct Table Seat
If in fact you don't sit at your correct spot you will get pushed off of that spot and possibly fracture your tailbone. I have my spot becky has hers and so does jennifer with the ocasional turnip and if you dont eat your food turnip will eat it. So make sure you sit in your correct assigned seat.
Step 5: Do Not Touch Any of Their Possessions
If you were thinking of taking Becky's ball you were sadly mistaken my friend , because nobody is aloud to touch her basketball. Your not aloud to touch Becky's ball Jennifer's keys or with out permission and my phone or any of our inhalers. We are very protective over these specific items because they mean our lives. If any one does happen to touch them they bet that they may leave with a bruise and its mainly because some of these items saved our lives. If i dint have my phone i would never be able to call for emergencies, If Jennifer didn't have her keys she wouldn't be able to get in her house sometimes, and if Becky didn't have her basketball she would have a heart attack. And if we didn't have our inhalers we would die of no air in our lungs so you can imagine how much that specific item means to us. I would keep in mind the fact that we are most likely all stronger than you so just remember that when you try and touch any of our things.
Step 2: Say I love you a lot
I love you is like a form of hello to us we litterally say it that often. If you don't say I love you in our group you are at risk of being shunned. Seriously we say it in unnecessary amounts it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know what i would do if I love you wasn't also like a safety word to us, we always say that when a joke goes too far. I love you has save some of my greatest friendships.
Step 3: "Hair Time" Participation
Once my friend Becky was sad so my other friend Jenifer walked up to her and she was all Hair Time while petting Becky's head.This has become a popular thing in our group. And you know what its pretty awesome. If you don't participate you will suffer from no hair time-itus its a serious issue that effects everybody but us. But you can fix this by participating in "Hair Time".
Step 4: Sit at Your Correct Table Seat
If in fact you don't sit at your correct spot you will get pushed off of that spot and possibly fracture your tailbone. I have my spot becky has hers and so does jennifer with the ocasional turnip and if you dont eat your food turnip will eat it. So make sure you sit in your correct assigned seat.
Step 5: Do Not Touch Any of Their Possessions
If you were thinking of taking Becky's ball you were sadly mistaken my friend , because nobody is aloud to touch her basketball. Your not aloud to touch Becky's ball Jennifer's keys or with out permission and my phone or any of our inhalers. We are very protective over these specific items because they mean our lives. If any one does happen to touch them they bet that they may leave with a bruise and its mainly because some of these items saved our lives. If i dint have my phone i would never be able to call for emergencies, If Jennifer didn't have her keys she wouldn't be able to get in her house sometimes, and if Becky didn't have her basketball she would have a heart attack. And if we didn't have our inhalers we would die of no air in our lungs so you can imagine how much that specific item means to us. I would keep in mind the fact that we are most likely all stronger than you so just remember that when you try and touch any of our things.
Friday, June 1, 2012
How to Survive A Brother Close to Your Age
Knock Knock Knock, you here on the bathroom door. "Hurry up" says a nagging voice. Knock Knock. "Why can't you brush your teeth later?" This is your morning routine when you have a brother close to your age. Having a brother close to your age will probably mean you guys want and need the same things at the same time. Luckily I know how to survive though all this.
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Photo by Jason Pratt |
First off you need to have power over him.
Second he needs discipline. When my brother messes with me I just squirt him with a spay bottle. Hey it works so don't judge me.
Third you have to control him.
Fourth don't be to ruff unless it is necessary.
Fifth he just needs straight up love. Love is always the best way to go if all else fails.
Second he needs discipline. When my brother messes with me I just squirt him with a spay bottle. Hey it works so don't judge me.
Third you have to control him.
Fourth don't be to ruff unless it is necessary.
Fifth he just needs straight up love. Love is always the best way to go if all else fails.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How to Survive a Game of Monopoly
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Photo by: Proven Networking Secrets |
The Rules
Monopoly has a variety of rules such as the unusual speed die which makes the game go faster. Know the rules to avoid getting bankrupt. Also know them to avoid family disasters.
Know your Territory
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Photo By:: Cea |
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Aim here
Aim here
From Baltic to Boardwalk you have to know what to buy from start.Not just important properties but also buy some sacrifices. Me, I like railroads and browns cause they are cheap and easy to upgrade. Railroads collect them all get 200$ every time. Know good spaces to maneuver around the areas.
Make your Move
Start the dice roll and make sure to plan ahead. As in know how to spend wisely do not spend like a mad man or you will get easily bankrupted. Make sure you focus on the good properties and don't make mistakes.
Make Good Deals
Deals are an important way to get what you want without over spending. When make a deal make sure you don't make a deal which will cause suicide. A few however as in giving someone the last of the railroad or giving up park place and boardwalk. Just make sure to try not to get stuck in a hole.
Go To Jail
Jail is known to be a bad thing but in monopoly when things start to get risky stay in the slammer. Just don't do this in real life.
Now that your educated go play some monopoly and try not to get hurt.
How to Survive a Road Trip
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Photo by: Jezlyn26 |
I've only been on a road trip once and from my experience, I can tell you for sure that I never want to go on another one again. I was squished the whole time we stopped about 15 times to go pee and we should have been able to complete the trip in maybe 4 hours but it took us 7 hours because of car malfunctions. But don't back out of a road trip just yet, because if you make sure all of these tips are completed you might actually have lots of fun!
Use the bathroom before you leave
I cannot stress this enough!! It is not only for you, it is also for the people you are going with. You absolutely, 100% need to check that EVERYONE has gone to the restroom before you get on the road. I promise if you don't you will have to make countless bathroom trips along the way, and most of the restrooms along the way probably won't be very clean, which is super gross(especially on the way to Vegas).
Bring Entertainment
Unless you have super entertaining people going with you, bring something to keep yourself occupied. You will be so happy when you bring something with you to keep yourself entertained, road trips can get really boring and the more bored you are the longer the trip seems
Check out Interesting Sights Along the Way
A couple of days before your road trip try and find some interesting sights along the way to stop at so your not in the car the whole time. On the other hand, if you're just trying to get there and not stop along the way, try and find some cool things that are around the place you're staying too. After all, you don't want to lie around the hotel all day doing nothing.
Make Sure You Won't be Squished in the Car the Whole Way There
To avoid being squished between two people and just all around being uncomfortable, try to have "Switching Parties". "Switching Parties" are another word for relief. When you stop to use the restroom or just to get out of the car, everyone needs to switch seats in the car, this way everyone is happy, and most importantly not squished.
Have Fun
Yes, honestly road trips are definitely not something particularly fun, but you have to make it fun. Start funny conversations that everyone can relate to, be friendly and talkative(but not too talkative), nobody likes someone who is grumpy the whole time!
Road trips can be a horrible or a good memory to look back on, but it's up to you how it turns out. Just because you have one bad road trip doesn't mean you have to be miserable the whole time, because if you're miserable then everybody else will be miserable too and the whole trip will be ruined! So have fun on your road trips!
How to Survive Hide and Seek Outdoors With Others
You are pretending to be a ninja, they have selected someone to try and capture you. You know you must not get caught no matter what, and you will take desperate measures.
Hiding Spot
If you are to survive in this game, your hiding spot will be one of your most important tools. A hiding spot must be somewhere where no one expects it, this will make it tougher for the seeker to find you. Always try hiding somewhere where you can see the seeker but he can not see you, this will let you know where he/she is so you will know where to run if they have found you. It is also important to try and stay as quiet as possible because you never know where they might be. This leads to the next step, running away, if you are found.
Escaping/Losing the Seeker
If you somehow manage to be caught then you either did not think your plan out well enough or you underestimated the seeker. If you are running away you should never look back because you never know how close the seeker might be behind you waiting for a moment to strike. Another good thing to do is to look ahead and see if you can make some sort of quick turn or another unexpected turn to slow down the chaser. If this is not possible then your only other option is to try and outrun the chaser and hope he gives up on you. If he/she does give up on you then the next step will prepare you on what to do.
Sneaking Around
So what now? you have no hiding spot because you were found and you are tired because you were being chased. The best thing you can do is sneak around carefully and quietly like a ninja on stealth mode and hope not to be found again. Be sure you do NOT run because your footsteps will be heard which can put you in danger. Also keep in mind to be listening carefully to your surroundings.My advice after a while of sneaking around would be to find another hiding spot like the same as before (somewhere no one expects and a place where you can see everything). Remember you are sneaking around so be prepared to run at any moment just in case.
Your Advantages
Depending on the kind of person you are and your outside skills you will have different advantages in the game. Advantages can take place in every of the past three paragraphs. You might be a real ninja which makes you good at hiding, a member of the track team for being good at running, or a laser tag expert which makes your skills at being sneaky better than the others playing. You might also be short and be able to fit in small places or be tall and be able to jump over things easily. One skill you can teach yourself is "parkour" which will make you unreachable and very good at escaping.
Common SenseAlways have in mind that there might be others around the neighborhoodso try not to bother them by going into their bushes. If you do not respect other's property you just might have an old man telling you to get off his lawn. Also remember to be careful and not try anything dangerous because then you will just end up crying for mommy to kiss your boo boo. Lastly I want to advice the public also not to set your phones on vibrate or silence so the seeker will not hear it and come after you.
These are the all the things you need to know on becoming a good hide and seek player. Also remember to be a good ninja and do whatever it takes to not get caught, no matter what.
Photo By: Tyrone Islington Photography
This IS Hide and Seek
The five steps listed below will teach you, and hopefully prepare you on what to do if you ever fall into this situation. Be aware that I am an experienced played with much knowledge so the following information should help those in need.Hiding Spot
If you are to survive in this game, your hiding spot will be one of your most important tools. A hiding spot must be somewhere where no one expects it, this will make it tougher for the seeker to find you. Always try hiding somewhere where you can see the seeker but he can not see you, this will let you know where he/she is so you will know where to run if they have found you. It is also important to try and stay as quiet as possible because you never know where they might be. This leads to the next step, running away, if you are found.
Escaping/Losing the Seeker
If you somehow manage to be caught then you either did not think your plan out well enough or you underestimated the seeker. If you are running away you should never look back because you never know how close the seeker might be behind you waiting for a moment to strike. Another good thing to do is to look ahead and see if you can make some sort of quick turn or another unexpected turn to slow down the chaser. If this is not possible then your only other option is to try and outrun the chaser and hope he gives up on you. If he/she does give up on you then the next step will prepare you on what to do.
Sneaking Around
So what now? you have no hiding spot because you were found and you are tired because you were being chased. The best thing you can do is sneak around carefully and quietly like a ninja on stealth mode and hope not to be found again. Be sure you do NOT run because your footsteps will be heard which can put you in danger. Also keep in mind to be listening carefully to your surroundings.My advice after a while of sneaking around would be to find another hiding spot like the same as before (somewhere no one expects and a place where you can see everything). Remember you are sneaking around so be prepared to run at any moment just in case.
Your Advantages
Depending on the kind of person you are and your outside skills you will have different advantages in the game. Advantages can take place in every of the past three paragraphs. You might be a real ninja which makes you good at hiding, a member of the track team for being good at running, or a laser tag expert which makes your skills at being sneaky better than the others playing. You might also be short and be able to fit in small places or be tall and be able to jump over things easily. One skill you can teach yourself is "parkour" which will make you unreachable and very good at escaping.
Common SenseAlways have in mind that there might be others around the neighborhoodso try not to bother them by going into their bushes. If you do not respect other's property you just might have an old man telling you to get off his lawn. Also remember to be careful and not try anything dangerous because then you will just end up crying for mommy to kiss your boo boo. Lastly I want to advice the public also not to set your phones on vibrate or silence so the seeker will not hear it and come after you.
These are the all the things you need to know on becoming a good hide and seek player. Also remember to be a good ninja and do whatever it takes to not get caught, no matter what.
Photo By: Tyrone Islington Photography
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
How to survive a camp full of GIRLS!
First of all if you are a guy as soon as you realize that there is only girls there run you little butt home as soon as possible. Just saying you don't want to be around a group of outrages, crazy girls.
- Stick to one normal person that doesn't scream just for fun
- Hang around someone that doesn't like hanging around whack jobs
- I stick to my best friend that is in my church most of the time because she is not that insane
- Try to make friends just only get close to one and one only!!!
- Try not to scare them away if you one of the insane people that like to yell and say random thing at random times
- Just remember to go to the most normal person to hang out with or you mine as well go home when your safe
- Well most of you know me how insane I am, that is more of the normal type at camp (I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE ON RANDOMNESS)
- So you need some weirdness to you
- At of a scale from 1 to 10 you would have to be a 6 or 7 at least because they are like a 12 or 13 and yes that makes sense
- Just don't hang around them to often because they will get to you and you will be at crazy numbers 12 or 13
- Try to stay with in a fairly normal rate so you don't go insane
- Over all just try to have fun because it is not that bad when you realize how much fun your having
- Don't sing Justin"Beaver" because they will be screaming their heads off or they will be trying to kill you because they hate him
- A little tip don't ever sing that in front of me because I might just rip your head to pieces
- Don't wear a Justin "Beaver" shirt either they might kill you for it
- You know what don't even mention him or think about him because is swear they can read your mind!!!
- Try to avoid any thing Justin "Beaver", don't comment on his awesome boyfriend jacket just nothing Justin "Beaver"
- Be outstandingly random when you are at a girls camp but not to bad or they will think your weird when they are the weird ones
- I would say to say at least 3 random things a day. Like if you are talking about the clouds or some thing then just be like "I LIKE ICE CREAM"
- Oh and if you say that you like ice cream they might bring it to you that is what has happened to me be for
- The girls often like to talk about ponies so that is a good topic to bring up randomly
- What ever you do don't bring up any guys you like because they most likely will kill you for him or tease you about him for the rest of the week
- Don't talk about sports either because they might shun you for just saying the word sport
- If your not a peoples person then this is what you need to do you can hide your self in a tree, in a corner, in the bathroom, or in a car
- When you hide in a tree you are very exposed and if any one sees you there they will talk to you for hours and you will be most likely stuck in the tree
- I have grown to hiding in a corner because it is a very blind spot so when some one comes in you cabin they don't see you
- Everyone needs to go to the bathroom at one point so if you in there you will most likely be seen by everyone so it is not the best hiding spot for everyone
- I love hiding in my moms car because she doesn't go in there all week and no body thinks to look there and then you can also lock your self in there
- Oh and if you find your self crying in one of these spots it is completely normal for a person that is not insane
- You have to have a lot of energy because you won't be able to keep up with them the hole week
- You will be exhausted during your free time you will try to sleep but you won't be able to because everyone around you has the energy you don't and will be like hey want to do this hey want to do that
- To keep up your energy with everyone else I would say eat as much as you can that will be your life saver and don't stop eating when you are full just keep stuffing your self
- An other thing is sleep when they tell you to because you won't be able to get up in the morning
- If you go to a camp like the one I did then you get up at 5o'clock and you do exercise and then you go eat breakfast then you do more exercising go on a hike to a lake canoe and then have lunch
- So try to keep that energy up and try not to cry every day, you will be more happy that way
How to Survive Middle School
Middle school, a hard place for any kid. To survive these two or three years of your life you must follow these steps: follow the school rules, don't get into trouble, make friends, stay out of peer drama like fights or break ups, and do your school work. Follow these steps and you'll survive junior high.
You survive middle school by following the rules and not getting in trouble. These steps are important because they keep you from getting suspended, therefore actually letting you go to middle school. Surviving middle school means getting through it without too many regrets or bruises. So don't get in trouble and ruin your chances of getting into high school.
Two of the most important middle school survive skills are staying out of other people's problems and making friends to make middle school barable. Middle school drama can be the worse, it causes most of the problems in school besides gossip. To survive middle school without too many problems, is to stay out of people's business, it'll save you from getting in trouble or getting beat up. Everyone has to have friends. Someone to talk to and be there to help you. Having friends make middle school more worth it and not boring. Don't be shy, make friends, they're good to have. Survive middle school!
The last step to surviving middle school is to do your school work. Most important because you can't leave middle school without passing 7th and 8th grade. You must survive middle school by doing all your school work. Survive!
photo by: DeepCwind
You survive middle school by following the rules and not getting in trouble. These steps are important because they keep you from getting suspended, therefore actually letting you go to middle school. Surviving middle school means getting through it without too many regrets or bruises. So don't get in trouble and ruin your chances of getting into high school.
Two of the most important middle school survive skills are staying out of other people's problems and making friends to make middle school barable. Middle school drama can be the worse, it causes most of the problems in school besides gossip. To survive middle school without too many problems, is to stay out of people's business, it'll save you from getting in trouble or getting beat up. Everyone has to have friends. Someone to talk to and be there to help you. Having friends make middle school more worth it and not boring. Don't be shy, make friends, they're good to have. Survive middle school!
The last step to surviving middle school is to do your school work. Most important because you can't leave middle school without passing 7th and 8th grade. You must survive middle school by doing all your school work. Survive!
photo by: DeepCwind

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Group Work is Legendary!!!! [No Lie!]
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picture by : sparklefish |
I had this one experience where we had to draw a bunch of pictures and it was very difficult and at the end we actually had fun doing something for history. As you can see in the picture above group work has a lot of pieces to put together and there are way more pieces to put together and half of them don't work but you have to think about the fact that you dont have to do all of the work alone.
I like to work with groups better than by myself it helps certain people to work together and its a great skill for the work place. and it's even better for the students now a days. This is why i think group work is amazing. It has so many resources and its also good for lazy people who don't want to do all of the for themselves.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Title: The Poisonous Mushroom
Description of the Propaganda
In this piece of propaganda it shows a woman with her three children looking at a statue of Jesus on the cross. It says in German next to the picture that, it urges the children "When you see a cross, then think of the horrible murder by the Jews on Golgatha."
Message to the People
The message of this is to tell the people that Jews are the reason Jesus died.
Technique 1
Simple. Its targeted at children, who love Jesus. Well the Jews killed Jesus so we don't like them. Right? No.
Technique 2
BIG. They killed Jesus. Murdered him. Stuck nails in him. That is a pretty big thing to deal with.
Photo Brought to You By: TheEnglishAnswerMan |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Fill Up Mah Cup!!!
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Photo By: anee.baba |
It shouldn't be lowered because keeping the drinking age at 21 has saved lives and hasn't done any anything wrong by keeping it this way. So why change it?
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Photo By: anee.baba |
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Photo By: anee.baba |
Some people say it should be lowered because there is no evidence that it harms them intellectually or behaviorally. Okay that might be true but, what about their health and body? So many people have died, and almost bled to death, from drinking to much because their throat has burned out. And it does effect you behaviorally because when your drunk you don't have control over your senses and you will misbehave. What if you get in a car crash? Yeah that's what I thought, you didn't mention that did you.
If we lower the drinking there will be much havoc among society. Keeping the drinking age at 21 has saved lives and it could save you too.
If we lower the drinking there will be much havoc among society. Keeping the drinking age at 21 has saved lives and it could save you too.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Group Work
Is group work good or bad? It can actually be both depending on who is in your group. Based on my group work expirences, I think working in a group is mostly bad with only two good thing about it.
Group work is bad because you have to depend on other people to get their part of the job done. I admitt that if you have good responsible partners, group work would be ok. But from my own expirence working with a group, my patners did not do their part and the whole project got a bad grade. After that I really just wanted to work on my own.
Working in a group is also bad because you could get stuck with all the work while your group members get credit for your work. It just makes me mad when people just sit there and expect you to do all the work for them. Group work can really suck when you end up with all the work.
The only good things about group work is having a hard working, supportive group that will do the work right and take things seriously. Only then is group work benifial.
Group work is also good when your group copperates with each other and gets along. If a group can't decide on anything, the whole project is ruined.
Group work has both is good and its bad sides.
photo by: eldan

Group work is bad because you have to depend on other people to get their part of the job done. I admitt that if you have good responsible partners, group work would be ok. But from my own expirence working with a group, my patners did not do their part and the whole project got a bad grade. After that I really just wanted to work on my own.
Working in a group is also bad because you could get stuck with all the work while your group members get credit for your work. It just makes me mad when people just sit there and expect you to do all the work for them. Group work can really suck when you end up with all the work.
The only good things about group work is having a hard working, supportive group that will do the work right and take things seriously. Only then is group work benifial.
Group work is also good when your group copperates with each other and gets along. If a group can't decide on anything, the whole project is ruined.
Group work has both is good and its bad sides.
photo by: eldan

Friday, May 11, 2012
The Dooms of Group Work
Photo by: EU Social |
The reason I hate group work so mush is because when I was in elementary school I had a teacher who absolutely adored group work. I was like if you didn't want to work in a group it was the end of the world for her. This wasn't my favorite teacher, I can tell you that. I preferred to work by myself, and I still do, so every time we had a project it was, "Okay everyone find a project partner!" While I stood in the back of the room and looked around, and when asked who my partner was I would just give a simple one-worded reply like "Myself." She just stared at me like I had some sort of flesh eating disease. Eventually at the end of the year, she gave in and I finally got to work on a project by myself.
I also despise group work because, when I did have to work with someone else they either never did it or it was really crappy work. So, I ended up turning in a lot of half done projects that year, but I did still get a good grade because I would always rat out the other person out of anger.
I've never really had a good experience with group work, well maybe a few were pretty good, so maybe I am a little biased, but all I know is that I DESPISE GROUP WORK!!!
I love group work! Group work is something that everyone should like because it is just easier on everyone. This makes the work get broken up in to sections so that there is not as much work for you to do. If you don't do it in a group then you have to do even more work then you were going to do. When you do it this way you can always put it off on some one else unless there is no one responsible in your group the you have to do it your self but that is not hard. I completely disagree with anybody that thinks that group work is terrible. When you have group work then you will have some one there to help you when you are stuck on some thing and it doesn't count as cheating.
Group work is just bomb!!! You get things done a lot faster and you don't have to do as much. You also get to make new friends. I had a hard time with one of my friends in elementary school and I got pared up with one of them and now we are all okay with each other. So I got my friend back and we got an awesome grade!!!;) IT IS ALL ABOUT GROUP WORK!!!!
Group work is just bomb!!! You get things done a lot faster and you don't have to do as much. You also get to make new friends. I had a hard time with one of my friends in elementary school and I got pared up with one of them and now we are all okay with each other. So I got my friend back and we got an awesome grade!!!;) IT IS ALL ABOUT GROUP WORK!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Group Work? No!
Many people today say that group work is a good thing but I,like others,think i is not a very good way to accomplish tasks.There are some benefits to working in groups but I think there are more reasons not to. Some of these reasons include the people in the groups themselves and their differences.
The first problem that I have with group work is that sometimes only one person does the work.This can be very irritating mostly because if you do all the work the other people in your group get the same credit for doing almost nothing.
The second reason is that sometimes you can not concentrate when you are trying to work.If the people around you are talking and being disruptive it can be really difficult to get some work done especially if you get into whats going on.
Lastly if your partners ARE working and doing something you may not agree with what they have to say.There is usually about only one or two disagreements but when you can not agree with anything it becomes frustrating and you feel like you just want to work alone.
These are the three main reasons why I believe that group work is not a good idea and that it should not be used.An example of someone who does not like group work is here.
The first problem that I have with group work is that sometimes only one person does the work.This can be very irritating mostly because if you do all the work the other people in your group get the same credit for doing almost nothing.
The second reason is that sometimes you can not concentrate when you are trying to work.If the people around you are talking and being disruptive it can be really difficult to get some work done especially if you get into whats going on.
Lastly if your partners ARE working and doing something you may not agree with what they have to say.There is usually about only one or two disagreements but when you can not agree with anything it becomes frustrating and you feel like you just want to work alone.

Photo By:Brande Jackson
Should we Lower the Drinking Age?
Photo by: Scott Ableman |
In my opinion, we need to keep the drinking age at 21. The reason I think this is because when the drinking age is at 21, alcohol consumption of youth drops drastically in comparison to when the age is 18. Another reason we need to keep the age at 21 is because it saves lives, about 800 a year! Most people would say that 800 people isn't a lot considering the number of people in the world, but that is somebody's life, and I feel that everybody's life is of value to this planet.
Now, some people who want to lower the drinking age would say that if we teach kids at a young age, like is European countries, to drink within their limit their limits then the drinking age is not a problem. Yes, some kids do learn to drink within their limits and they almost never get drunk, but if you look at the statistics most European countries have a very high rate of 15 and 16-year-olds almost always over-drinking, and in some bad cases they become addicted to alcohol.
If we lower the drinking age, innocent people could die and our society will be full of drunks if we loose control. I hope in the future we will keep the drinking age the same and learn quickly as a society if we do try and lower it.
The Drinking Should Age Stay the Same
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photo by : neatlysliced |
In the opinion of a kid who has friends the age of some alcohol related deaths, I don't think i want them out there drinking and driving even though most of them wouldn't it's still scary to think that could have been them out there. If in fact they do lower the drinking age well there will be more and more accidents out there. Can you imagine that ... it would be astonishing if any one came home alive. How do you think the free ways and streets would end up, there would have to be a police officer at every corner just to make sure people got home ... and then they would all get D.U.I's. If you want to let teens to go out i completely understand, but if they do end up drinking its a terrible outcome. Injuries, both physically(both internally and externally) and mentally it leads to some of the worst.
I also don't think that teens should be out drinking like that in general... but that's just my opinion. I've see adults in my family drink and adults in general but they are at least the correct age of 21. No teens even if they're legally adults should be drinking. They all go to these parties and if its raised well teens can then go into bars, with a license to drink. Some guy who was stupid enough to think that they should lower the drinking age in general now says if we do lower it well make them go get an education on drinking and get a license to drink. The idiot who will remain nameless should have never thought of that idea... don't lower it in the first place, and who said that you could only take the class if we lower it why can't there be a class now?! Who said that we can't have classes now. Some people may want to learn about alcohol, there is technically no age limit.
So i say let the drinking age stay the same how much could it hurt. And those teens who drink alcohol illegally well then they're just as stupid as the license... but in all fairness it was an idea of a way to keep teens from drinking they're brain cells away. So an announcement to all of you teen drivers and those of you who drink too... just call a friend or don't, it's stupid and meaningless, whats the point of hurling and waking up with a "Temporary Amnesia". The drinking age should stay the same!!
Group Work is a Very Good Idea (no sarcasm included)

The world has many problems and most of them need to be solved by working together.
Imagine if our four fathers in U.S. History did not work in a group the United States would not have been born. Of course they might have argued once or twice maybe a little blood splatter but they got it done.All I'm saying is that everyone has to commit group work. If it did not exsist there would be no communties. Also the best ideas were created with a group thought.
The problem is with group work is the members. Most complain that the members of the group do not do the work. But they have decided to work together. Finally everyone should aggree on a related topic so everyone can have a part. Group work is a great thing only people don't try to actually work together.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Some people believe that they should lower the age, but it would be better to keep it where it is. They are trying to change something that doesn't need to be changed. Even arguing this right now is wasting time lowering it wont change much. They want to educate people about the dangers of drinking, this is true but do you need to change the age to educate people,this way they don't need a permit. They should keep the age where it is at, 21.
If you lower the age of drinking there will be more underage drinking. The 18 year old that underage drinks now will get what they want and wont be caught. They will also want their 16 and 17 year old friends to join in so they will be underage drinkers then we will lower the law again then the 16 year old will have a friend that is 14 or 15 years old. The 16 year old will want his friend to drink with him and there will be more underage drinking and this process will go on and on.
An other thing is that there will be more drinking and driving!!!!! Did you know that when the law of you having to be 21 years of age was passed it saved 800 lives a year??? If you lower the age to 18 years of age the people that wont be doing under age drinking will be drunk driving. This is something that kills peoples lives, WAKE UP PEOPLE, one of my friends had died by drinking and driving and we all regret that night.
The yes on lowering the age of drinking are pretty stupid!!!!! Dr. David J. Hanson said,"The DARE [drug abuse resistance education]program, for instance, which is use in about 70% of the schools in the country, is basically a scar tactic. There has not been a single scientific study of effects of DARE..." Well if it doesn't work very well then why do so many schools us it. Also it doesn't need any scientific study to prove that it work if it work then it work if it doesn't then it doesn't!!!!!! The drinking age should stay at the age of 21!!!!!
BY: emrank
If you lower the age of drinking there will be more underage drinking. The 18 year old that underage drinks now will get what they want and wont be caught. They will also want their 16 and 17 year old friends to join in so they will be underage drinkers then we will lower the law again then the 16 year old will have a friend that is 14 or 15 years old. The 16 year old will want his friend to drink with him and there will be more underage drinking and this process will go on and on.
An other thing is that there will be more drinking and driving!!!!! Did you know that when the law of you having to be 21 years of age was passed it saved 800 lives a year??? If you lower the age to 18 years of age the people that wont be doing under age drinking will be drunk driving. This is something that kills peoples lives, WAKE UP PEOPLE, one of my friends had died by drinking and driving and we all regret that night.
The yes on lowering the age of drinking are pretty stupid!!!!! Dr. David J. Hanson said,"The DARE [drug abuse resistance education]program, for instance, which is use in about 70% of the schools in the country, is basically a scar tactic. There has not been a single scientific study of effects of DARE..." Well if it doesn't work very well then why do so many schools us it. Also it doesn't need any scientific study to prove that it work if it work then it work if it doesn't then it doesn't!!!!!! The drinking age should stay at the age of 21!!!!!
BY: emrank
The Drinking Debate
Photo By: Lestat Asterion
Almost everyone in the United States Debate about this topic. The people that recommend leaving the alcohol age limit the same at twenty-one see that if there is no problem why change it. Others who think of lowering the age limit think of what difference it could make to improve alcohol usage. The way everyone thinks of the matter of changing every day lives. Everyone has there own point of view on a topic then there's mine.
Well my side of the debate is that I recommend the drinking age limit to be lowered. Here are my reasons are why the age limit should be lowered to 18. One is that even if that point of age can be mimicked by those at 14 or older those who do mimic the age would need a permit to show that they can drink responsibly. If they find a way to bypass that system its fine if they do it would teach them to tolerate alcohol. This is also a way to prevent car accidents because if a child were to get into a car by then will be able to tolerate DUI not good to be doing it but it is fine by me if no one gets hurt.
Idiotic comments or little petty problems like can be the worst so here some things people might say. What if some one younger than 18 gets a hold of alcohol? OK how much damage can a 14 year old get into if they don't have a drivers licence or a permit to wield a weapon only there will be an increase in fights but they can be easily stopped. Another question would be how would a child or teen be chosen to drink responsibly? There's a thing called a learners permit which can be undermined by teachers and parents once the person gets their permit signed they can access alcohol from almost anywhere or once they surpass the age of 21 they are able to drink without a permit.
Drinking Age?
Many people have asked the question if whether the drinking age should be kept or lowered. I say that the drinking age should be kept at where it is. Lowering the age would just cause more problems and be a waste of time and money. If there is nothing wrong with keeping the drinking age at 21 then why change it at all to something that probably will?
I believe that the drinking age should be kept at 21 for two main reasons. The first reason is that it could save many lives each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's studies show that the drinking age at 21 saves about 800 lives each year. The second reason involves the teens themselves and drinking illegally.
Other research also shows that teens that drink before they are 14 are more likely to get into serious problems. If a teen starts drinking at a younger age they are more likely to get into fights,become addicted,and can become involved in car related accidents.Also, the people who think that the drinking age should be lowered usually do not have good arguments to support their side.
Many people who think that the driving age should be lowered usually say that keeping the age at 21 has not helped society. Dr.David J. Hanson believes that a drinking learner permit would solve drinking problems. I say that this is a complete waste of time and money and that the people will still probably break the rules.This is why I think that the drinking age should be kept at 21.
I believe that the drinking age should be kept at 21 for two main reasons. The first reason is that it could save many lives each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's studies show that the drinking age at 21 saves about 800 lives each year. The second reason involves the teens themselves and drinking illegally.
Other research also shows that teens that drink before they are 14 are more likely to get into serious problems. If a teen starts drinking at a younger age they are more likely to get into fights,become addicted,and can become involved in car related accidents.Also, the people who think that the drinking age should be lowered usually do not have good arguments to support their side.
Many people who think that the driving age should be lowered usually say that keeping the age at 21 has not helped society. Dr.David J. Hanson believes that a drinking learner permit would solve drinking problems. I say that this is a complete waste of time and money and that the people will still probably break the rules.This is why I think that the drinking age should be kept at 21.
Monday, May 7, 2012
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photo by: English Answer Man |
The Nazi's are trying to say that a whole entire group of people is trying to take over the world and the Nazi's were blaming them for something they hadn't even done. Some of the emotions i got from this picture were ugly and disgusting. Ugly, because well it has a huge wrinkly head, and he has a big nose and that was the main physical feature stereotype of Jews, and he also is splatting ink all over the place and its taking over the world.
Oh and don't forget disgusting. It was repulsive and it had an ugly hairy face. I also found 2 more examples of propaganda, repeating and BIG.
Repetitive because they keep saying Jews are fat and have huge noses. And this was BIG obviously because the octopus is wrapped around the whole world covering it and blocking light making everything dark and mystical. In my opinion they were wrong to have such a poor opinion.
Nazi Propaganda
Photo By: englishanswerman
The Photo
The photo reveals an octopus inking and griping on the earth. The octopus also has a Star Of David over its head which means its a Jew. It is also showing the octopus is ugly.
The Message
Propaganda always has a message to it like something to make you think against a person or group. What I see in this picture is an ugly octopus trying to take over the world this makes me scared that it's attacking and trying to taint us with its ink. This also makes me angry that an ugly squid that species is hunted by us is attempting to defeat us all.
Propaganda Techniques #1
The artist is trying to make it big its everywhere a giant octopus and it is trying to take over the whole WORLD if that's not big then I do not know what is.
Propaganda Techniques #2
Its is repetitive it is showing on Jew doing this much on the world. Showing that all Jews are ugly. Finally it is showing all Jews can taint every thing.
Drinking Age Change?
What should the legal drinking age be? Should it be 18 or 21? These questions have been asked so many times. There have been many debates over this issue. Articles and petitions have been made to show people's side of the arguement. The current legal drinking age is 21 years and some people believe that it should stay that way because it has saved lives. But other people believe that the age should be lowered to 18 to allow teens to have more freedom. They believe that raising the drinking age doesn't help teens stop drinking it only makes them want to do it more just to show defience. These are the two sides of whether or not to lower the legal drinking age.
I personally believe that the drinking age is fine the way it is. I really think teens shouldn't be drinking because they can be reckless and abuse it. Lowering the drinking age isn't going to solve anything it will just make teen drinking legal which could increase the drinking level. I don't plan on drinking as a teen or adult. Drinking could ruin a life and make you do something you would reget. By lowering the drinking age, you would increase the possibility of more drinkers and car accidents.
Some people believe that the drinking age should be lowered because it is an 18 year olds right to be able to drink legally because they are adults. I believe that keeping the drinking age at 21 is keeping people safe and even though its an adults right to make their own decisions, they may need something like a law, to help them make the right decision.
It is not wise to lower the drinking age, if any change must be made, raise the drinking age, it would be better for the non-drinkers. The drinking age should not be changed.

photo by: andlun1
I personally believe that the drinking age is fine the way it is. I really think teens shouldn't be drinking because they can be reckless and abuse it. Lowering the drinking age isn't going to solve anything it will just make teen drinking legal which could increase the drinking level. I don't plan on drinking as a teen or adult. Drinking could ruin a life and make you do something you would reget. By lowering the drinking age, you would increase the possibility of more drinkers and car accidents.
Some people believe that the drinking age should be lowered because it is an 18 year olds right to be able to drink legally because they are adults. I believe that keeping the drinking age at 21 is keeping people safe and even though its an adults right to make their own decisions, they may need something like a law, to help them make the right decision.
It is not wise to lower the drinking age, if any change must be made, raise the drinking age, it would be better for the non-drinkers. The drinking age should not be changed.

photo by: andlun1
Saturday, May 5, 2012
In this picture the Jew is the octopus and he is taking over the entire world. He also looks really angry or upset. He has a Jewish star over his head also known as the Adam's star. The one octopus is destroying the whole world on its own. There is a nasty black ink that is explaining its anger
The message that they are trying to show all of the people is that the Jews are "scary" and "harmful". They believed that the Jews could destroy the entire human race. They want to scare the children in to thinking that the Jews are nothing but bad and scary people.They want every person to hate the Jews and to recognize that they are "evil".
propaganda technique #1:
Emotion is one of the main techniques in this picture. They are constantly showing anger in the Jews faces that makes people FEEL upset, scared, stressed and angered. It makes the children upset because they don't feel safe and their parents feel upset to because their children feel that way about their safety. Scared because no one feels safe not even the Jews because they have to hide from the people that are trying to get rid of them. Stressed because people don't Know what to think about the Jews anymore. The Jews feel angered because they make these posters that are not true.
propaganda technique #2:
Making it big is an other technique that is used very often. They make this big because he is destroying the whole world on his own which is impossible on your with out any help. They make it seem as if they would kill off the entire human race once again almost impossible to do on your own. Also they make the Jew big and bulky to make them seem as if they were in control of the whole world, and that everyone obeyed them.
The message that they are trying to show all of the people is that the Jews are "scary" and "harmful". They believed that the Jews could destroy the entire human race. They want to scare the children in to thinking that the Jews are nothing but bad and scary people.They want every person to hate the Jews and to recognize that they are "evil".
propaganda technique #1:
Emotion is one of the main techniques in this picture. They are constantly showing anger in the Jews faces that makes people FEEL upset, scared, stressed and angered. It makes the children upset because they don't feel safe and their parents feel upset to because their children feel that way about their safety. Scared because no one feels safe not even the Jews because they have to hide from the people that are trying to get rid of them. Stressed because people don't Know what to think about the Jews anymore. The Jews feel angered because they make these posters that are not true.
propaganda technique #2:
Making it big is an other technique that is used very often. They make this big because he is destroying the whole world on his own which is impossible on your with out any help. They make it seem as if they would kill off the entire human race once again almost impossible to do on your own. Also they make the Jew big and bulky to make them seem as if they were in control of the whole world, and that everyone obeyed them.
Propaganda Anylisis
In this propaganda a giant octopus is engulfing the world, and trying to cover it completely. It is very ugly, it has a big nose, representing Jews, and a Jewish star above the head, further indicating that it is Jewish. The sticky ink coming from the tentacles is making parts of the world black. Covering certain places in gross blackness.
The message that this poster is saying is that Jews will eventually engulf the world in black, sticky, darkness suffocating it. This symbolizes that Jews will destroy the world, and once they get their ink on you it will never come off. That once the darkness spreads it will suffocate you and kill you. It makes you feel disgusted and angered that someone could be doing this and nobody is there to stop it.
Propaganda Technique #1: Repetition
Again, as in other German propaganda, we see the big nose, the ugliness, and the disgust of the Jew. We also see the bigness of the piece. The Octopus/Jew is covering the whole world with itself and it's ink. In many other posters, there are Jews towering over the Earth, big and scary, so that all can see its ugliness and be afraid of the power that it holds. Repetition a key factor in this poster.
Propaganda Technique #2: Make It Big, Make It Simple
The octopus is huge, it covers almost the whole planet! It's probably as big as it can get. It is also simple, anyone who looks at this can tell it's associated with Jews. They can also tell it gives a simple message: "Stay Away". The poster has what it needs to convince someone that Jews are bad. It's simple, it's big and it's repetitive.
In this propaganda a giant octopus is engulfing the world, and trying to cover it completely. It is very ugly, it has a big nose, representing Jews, and a Jewish star above the head, further indicating that it is Jewish. The sticky ink coming from the tentacles is making parts of the world black. Covering certain places in gross blackness.
The message that this poster is saying is that Jews will eventually engulf the world in black, sticky, darkness suffocating it. This symbolizes that Jews will destroy the world, and once they get their ink on you it will never come off. That once the darkness spreads it will suffocate you and kill you. It makes you feel disgusted and angered that someone could be doing this and nobody is there to stop it.
Propaganda Technique #1: Repetition
Again, as in other German propaganda, we see the big nose, the ugliness, and the disgust of the Jew. We also see the bigness of the piece. The Octopus/Jew is covering the whole world with itself and it's ink. In many other posters, there are Jews towering over the Earth, big and scary, so that all can see its ugliness and be afraid of the power that it holds. Repetition a key factor in this poster.
Propaganda Technique #2: Make It Big, Make It Simple
The octopus is huge, it covers almost the whole planet! It's probably as big as it can get. It is also simple, anyone who looks at this can tell it's associated with Jews. They can also tell it gives a simple message: "Stay Away". The poster has what it needs to convince someone that Jews are bad. It's simple, it's big and it's repetitive.
People at the Movies
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Photo by: djwudi |
Now, this can get really annoying after awhile. Don't get me wrong I love my friends to death, but when they can't shut-up I feel like clamping their mouth shut with a bunch of bobby-pins!
When going to see a movie people need to be more courteous and respectful to the everyone else. So just sit back, relax, and most importantly be quiet!!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Propaganda Analysis
Photo By: English Answer Man
In the picture above there is a Jewish man with a whip as if he is taking control of all others. The man is large,has a big nose, and has hair that almost looks as if they are the devils horns. Almost all of the picture is a red color even the peoples skin. Below the man there is a globe shape with many people inside,the only ones you can tell apart are a man, woman, and child.
The main message of this picture is that Jews are bad people that are no good in the world. This can be told by how the Jew is raising his whip onto all the people in the world and how they look in misery. Another message made somewhat obvious by the Jew's "horns" and "world" is that the Jew is like the devil and the people are his slaves in hell. Also, in the caption below it says that Jews are "the whip of all mankind."
Propaganda Technique #1:Lies
The whole propaganda shown in the picture is an obvious lie. The first lie shown is that Jews are like the devil and that they are the worst evil known. Second is that Jews are like the oppressors of the world and that they can control everybody. These lies are obvious because Jews are just like any other person and they can't control the world at their will.
Propaganda Technique #2:Big and Simple
Another main thing shown in the picture is that it is big and simple.One way it is big is because the Jew has a whip that seems to be putting the people in fear.One way it is simple is that the Jew is big,evil and is an all powerful leader.
Poster Propaganda

Description of Propaganda
This poster is a picture of a huge octopus with its tenticles around the world. Above the octopus, is the star of David, the Jewish symbol. The octopus has a big head, a weird looking nose, and a little bit of hair. It also has one tooth, big eyes, and black ink coming out of its tenticles. The world is just plain white and the octopus is a sky blue color. The octopus is apparently grabing on to the world and trying to dominate it.
Message of propaganda
This poster is suppose to show that the Jews, the octopus, are dominating the world. Its shows that the octopus represents the Jews' control over the world. We know that the octopus represents the Jews because of the star of David. The poster is showing that the octopus is contaminating the world with its black ink or filth. This means that they are saying the Jews are dominating and contaminating the world.
1st Technique of propaganda: NOT about the Truth
The meaning of the poster is obviously a lie because, for one thing, Jews are not octopuses. For another thing, the Jews are not controlling the world. In fact, they were once slaves. Jews are just people not monsters that the poster makes them out to be. Propaganda is never about the truth, just a popular lie.
2nd Technique of propaganda: make it BIG and simple
This propaganda is big because they want people to believe it. Most propaganda is big and easy to understand. For example, this poster shows that the Jews are a big octopus taking over the world. This propaganda is big, and anyone who sees it would totally get the big picture. Propaganda has to be big, as well as simple.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Perfect Cake
Cakes celebrate the stepping stones of our lives; birthdays, weddings, and almost any other fiesta.
A cake always deserves admiration but only one can deserve the ultimate. Cookies are magical and pies are delightful, but no dessert is as impressive as a beautifully baked and perfectly finished cake.
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Photo Credit: ElizabethWilk |
First of all it has to be RAINBOW.
Moist and not to crumbly.
Evenly iced.
Fruit and Ice cream.
If you put candles they have to be sparkling candles.
And most importantly it has to taste good!
My top two flavors would have to be vanilla and lemon.
Now go eat your perfect cake!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Disturbing Mathematical Equation
Yes this simple yet complex mathematical equation is the most disturbing scientific discovery I've ever heard of. This famous equation created by Albert Einstein. Used by many in many helpful ways to society.
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Photo Credit: spitfirelas |
So your wondering why this is so disturbing? Well you see the power of the equation rests in the c². The c² represents the speed of light, which is equivalent to 186,282 miles per second, times itself equals 34,700, 983,524.
And with m being mass, and c² being the multiplier, you wouldn't need much mass to create enough energy to destroy a whole city.
Yes and now your mind is now blown.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
" Wasn't Me"?
Ever body when they are asked if they had done something they say wasn't me! who is wasn't me? Honestly who is it your brother, your sister, your cousin, yourself? WHO? I think that people say wasn't me because it is them. Imagine the president saying wasn't me that started the war, wasn't me that made that law.
Or say your mom is talking on the phone and is saying is wasn't me that got the dates mixed up it was my daughter/son. I am pretty sure you wouldn't like to be blamed on. This is a stand for no more scapegoating!!!
NO MORE "WASN'T ME"!!!!!!!
BY: Ian Sane
( Is this "wasn't me"? SOME BODY TELL ME!!!!!!!! )
Don't Blame Work, Phones, ect.
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Photo by: photon_de |
Too often these days, the excuse is always, "I was too busy." or things like "Well I could have but ..." and they give some lame excuse. Yes, I understand some people have demanding jobs, but seriously, you can't take a little bit of time out of your day to spend time with family.
More and more people are starting to become oblivious to family, it's important to spend time with family, I think because well, they're just your family, you're supposed to love them and spend some time with them not completely ignore them!
Put down the phone, get off the computer, turn off the t.v., and spend time with your family! Play catch outside or have a game night, go for a family walk, share some laughs, and just have fun.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Scapegoating the Pet
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Photo by : Moyan_Brenn |
They are so innocent and yet people say things such as my dog ate my homework, or the dog pushed over the lamp while we were playing, ect. How come when we blame them no one thinks of it as a big deal I mean we are all animals so it's basically like blaming another person.
For example my friend left her home work out and her bunny ate off the corner of her paper and she blamed it. I don't think that its fair to them i really wonder what they would say if they could talk about how the blame feels to them. If you were in there shoes how do you think you would feel and if so what would you do if you could do anything.
Scapegoating the Television
Photo by: LGEPR
Blame Evidence
1. The TV contains shows with almost no educational value so resulting in dropping grades. As in there is no learning devices in a show as in Pretty Little Liars.
2. Violence are in television which could cause danger in themselves and others as in nightmares.
Supporting Evidence
1. TV shows interesting facts as in "The summer solstice the longest day of the year" (Phineas and Ferb)
2. Helps children think out side of the box. Giving them different ideas.
3. Should that show physical dangers are at most of the time show bad results.
1.Parents don't usually watch what children do and decide to block it or limit a child's TV time.
2.The TV companies don't think about the affects of their programs on a child's mind.
3.The children themselves don't think of what results would happen if they do a stunt from TV.
The Culprits
I say the culprit is the TV companies not being aware of what there shows are causing.
The Final Truth
TV shows are not dropping grades, causing, damage, or nightmares it is the child them self from doing stunts you have something called common sense. Nightmares are natural in a child's life no matter what even when you read a book if you leave it to a child's mind there could be the worst. TV sort of prevent that so you are able to see the other ways an event can go. Grades dropping is not always true television can have some useful information even weird. Then there is the violence or so called "wrong answers" yes there are those situations but they can show how to avoid those problems. To file all down TV can help ideas grow do you want dull near soulless androids.
Scapegoating in the Family

Photo Credit to:kkirugi
A scapegoat is when someone or something is being blamed for something they did not do.A good example of this is little siblings and older siblings.Yes I would know because this has happened to me before.Usually scapegoating in this way begins when the younger sibling wants something and the older is against it.When the younger sibling sees that nothing is being done they yell and call for their parents to do something,and they say that the older sibling did something bad to them.Usually the younger child gets away with it and the older one is punished in some sort of way.
Either way don't scapegoat anybody because you might get into trouble in the end.If you are the scapegoat, then be sure to have video proof that you did not do anything.
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